Friday, 30 October 2020



If you’re reading this right now, you may have met me at some point, either online or in real life - and you’ll probably know that I’m a property investment strategist.

In simple terms, I’m a property investor, who buys houses, using private investment finance.

But what sort of properties am I actually looking to buy? 

I’ll tell you... because perhaps if I tell you, then you’ll know exactly the sort I know of house I’m looking for, should the opportunity arise within any of your networks.

The type of properties I buy is no secret at all, so I’m quite happy to share my very specific criteria. And if anyone mentions any of these keywords, please bear me in mind! 

Here’s my criteria:

⚫️ Local to Leeds 

I live in Morley, Leeds, and all my properties are within a 20 minute driving range of my house. 

I do this purposely, because I like to be able to keep a check on them myself. 

I’m sure there are lots of lovely areas in the UK with fabulous returns and great houses and lovely tenant... but for me, no Leeds, no point!!  

#mybeautifulLeeds 🌃

⚫️ 1-4 bedroom house 

Flats are not for me, thank you very much! Give me a nice lovely stone or brick-built house, ideally with more than one bedroom, but I will look at one-bed houses, if I think there is a potential to magically make more bedrooms out of it 🏠

⚫️ Has become unloved and in need of modernisation 

I love it if a property needs work; that’s exactly the type of house I am looking for. And don’t worry if it’s old-fashioned, grotty, grim and grimy, the worse the better!

These houses usually come about because they have been empty for years, or perhaps they are a deceased estate where the previous occupant hasn’t touched the decor for decades, meaning it is very dated. 🔨🛠

⚫️ Requires refurbishment work

Following on from that, if it needs any sort of renovation work, I am on it like a car bonnet! This might be that it needs a new heating system, or kitchen or bathroom, or minor structural works, or an update decoration. I’m happy to do what’s needed to make it safe, comfortable, and compliant to rent to future tenants. 🏚

⚫️ Would make an excellent family rental home!

My ideal tenant is a little low-income family who will make my property their long-term home. The kids will feel safe and secure, and this home security will then enable them to go on and make a success of their life - just like I did.

So things like gardens, and lots of bedrooms, large room interiors, near schools and shops... all these make great properties for housing families. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Quick recap: 


If you know anybody that has a house that fits this description - it might be a probate, they could be relocating, or divorcing, or a tired or accidental landlord who just wants to get rid of their headache hassle property... anybody who has a property like this who is wanting to sell - I would be delighted if you could please put me in touch!

Full contact details here:

Monday, 5 October 2020

Bonkers for Conkers!

Autumn has always been my favourite season.

It includes my birthday, Halloween, Bonfire night, and a chance to put the heating on, stay indoors all cosy, watch films, light candles, and eat chocolate!

But outside, one of my favourite things about autumn, alongside the lovely colours of nature, is conkers.

I’ve always loved conkers.

The shininess of them, the different shapes and sizes, and obviously playing conkers as a kid.

Remember how you’d try your best to make your conker as indestructible as possible, after you’d threaded it on the shoelace? 
To ‘conquer’ your opponent, by smashing theirs to pieces?! 🙌

Do they still do such things, kids these days; coating conkers in nail varnish and vinegar?! 
Good wholesome playground games!

I even remember ordering and enjoying the book ‘The Conker as Hard as a Diamond’ from the Puffin Book Club at junior school! (and I know full well that book is still in the loft in one of my properties! 😆 #hoarder)

Even now, decades later, I still get excited by seeing conkers when I walk round the park with my dog Jerry Lee. 
Bizarrely he gets less excited about them than me!

"Ooooh Jerry, look at this one!!!"
"Yeah, very good love, walk on..."

I called these little brown beauties ‘jewels of nature’, and when I come across them I get a little excited and start collecting them.

Today in the park I even tied the dog to the fence for two minutes and climbed over the fence to collect more, that nobody else had spotted.

You simply would not believe that I was 40 years of age! 🤣

It's superb when you find a really good big shiny one!

Conkers I mean; don’t be vulgar!!! 😱

“But what do you even do with them?” I hear you ask... “You’re a grown woman!”

Yes I know.... 🙄

And for me, the excitement is in finding them.

So these days, I don’t partake in conker-bashing competitions (and not just because other adults don’t partake in that sort of thing! 😆)

What I do with them is this: I keep one or two super-pretty conkers (yes, there is such a thing! 😆) and then with the rest of the pile, I put them on my garden wall next to the main footpath.

My logic is that kids will take them as they walk past from school - maybe kids who don’t know where the conkers are locally - but more likely, kids who never get to go to the park, or perhaps their parents never bother taking them... sadly, we know what some lazy parents are like in today’s society. 😞

This makes me feel a bit sad to think that some kids rarely get to experience nature outdoors. 
But at least they’ll get a chance to have their own conker by my little wall-sharing tactic. 
And it must work, because there are never any conkers left on my wall at the end of each day. 😁

So what’s the point of my blog?

Apart from me rambling on about conkers, which I’m sure you've worked out by now I’m a big fan of!

Let’s make this blog useful, by taking some lessons from my little conker anecdotes. 
Make this blog more of a fable, if you will; a story with some lessons. 

Here we go:

Beauty is all around us - you just have to look for it. 
We are so lucky to have such lovely nature in this country.

⁃ It’s great when you find something that nobody else has found. Even if it means you have to go searching for it. 
This is symbolic of opportunities in life.

⁃ If you have plenty, you should share it with people who are less fortunate than you. 
You don’t need to be greedy and keep everything to yourself.

⁃ Please take your kids to the park and the great outdoors. 
Get them off the screens for a while, and get some fresh air in their lungs and dirt on their hands. 
It’s really good for their wellbeing.

So bit of a bizarre topic to write about today, but thanks for reading!

And if you’ve made it this far, then you must be bonkers for conkers too!! 😁👍

Have a lovely Autumn, and stay safe and well x x x

Kellyann Martin is a Property Investment Strategist based in Leeds, who when not foraging for conkers, is busy foraging for property investment opportunities!

For more details on working with Kellyann, visit the website

Saturday, 3 October 2020

40 Things I Have Learnt About Life In 40 Years

4️⃣0️⃣ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐈𝐧 4️⃣0️⃣ 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬...

Yes, I too am amazed that I have managed to keep myself alive for so long! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

But the day has arrived, many moons after I sprang forth from my mother... I have reached Level 40! 😱✊🎂🎊🎉🎈

Along the way on this path of life, I have acquired some golden nuggets of advice / phrases / favourite sayings that I live by... if only I knew all of these things aged 18! 😉

To celebrate this momentous occasion, I shall share my golden nuggets with you - why, happy birthday! 😆🎂🎊🎉

1. The most important one: Every day above ground is a good one!

2. The only opinion about your life which really matters is yours.

3. Don’t waste time doing things you don’t want, nor be with people you don’t like.

4. If something is making you unhappy, stop doing it. You always have a choice.

5. People can only upset you if you allow them to. And we simply don’t deal with dickheads!

6. Go out of your way to do nice things for people you care about. It’s nice to be nice.

7. It’s ok to say no to things, don’t be soft, just admit: nah mate, that’s not for me, thanks. (In my case, hugs, spas, wine, divvies etc...)

8. Some people will never like me. And I will never give a shit! If people don’t like you, those are not your people.

9. Good manners cost nothing but they mean everything. They show you’ve been brought up well, not dragged up.

10. Be grateful for what you have got, not what you haven’t got. You can cheer yourself up every day by just listing ten things you’re truly grateful for.

11. You can’t please everyone all the time, so just please yoursen!

12. A positive frame of mind is a choice - and it’s the better choice of the two.

13 . “I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else”- Winston Churchill

14. Don’t ever say anything or do anything or behave in a way that would make your favourite grandma ashamed of you.

15. You can make progress or you can make excuses - but you can’t make both.

16. If you don't heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed all over someone who didn't cut you. Get over bad shit - Elsa’s right: let it go!

17. No matter your past, your future is spotless. It’s never too late to have a happy ending.

18. If you are born poor, it’s not your fault. If you die poor, it’s entirely your fault.

19. It’s ok to change your views based on new information.

20. Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.

21. Privilege is good, but graft is better.

22. There is no competition because nobody else is me. 

23. Don't let someone dim your light simply because it's shining in their eyes.

24. Remind yourself when bad things happen: I'm too stubborn to let this take me down!

25. You are what you do. Not what you say. And not many people actually do what they say they’ll do! Integrity is everything.

26. Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.

27. You’ll never be as young as you are right now, and you’re one step closer to death every day. So gerronwi’it, do the things you want to do. We're here for a good time, not a long time.

28. Only death is unfixable. Everything else can be mended.

29. The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it. Smile, nod, thank them for their input, and do it anyway.

30. It is better to try and fail than to fail to try at all. It’s always a no if you don’t even try.

31. Being female is a matter of birth, being a woman is a matter of age, but being a lady is a matter of choice.

32. Most people are more focused on looking rich than becoming rich. Material things are just that; things. They don’t determine your worth. 

33. You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.

34. You don't always get what you wish for, but you always get what you work for.

35. You need to put time, effort and energy into making anything work - even friendships and relationships.

36. You’re not as ugly, fat, boring or as weird as you think you are. Well maybe weird, but that’s ok; you’re Limited Edition, baby! 

37. Trust your gut instinct about people and situations; it usually knows best.

38. If you can’t change something, you have to change the way you think about it.

39. One of my faves: The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me?!? 

40. And finally... Once you truly stop giving a shit what other people think of you, you experience an awesome level of freedom like never before. 😁🙌

Take these wise words, fine people, and share them far and wide! 

😉 x