Sunday 14 May 2017

What Would You Tell Your 16 Year Old Self?

Today, May 14th is exactly 20 years since my leaving day at high school.

But what I have I learnt about life in those twenty years?

What would I tell my 16-year-old self?

Here's what!
- Don't be paranoid and waste time worrying about what other people might think. It does not matter what most people think.
- You might look like a Romanian orphan boy, but it's meant you've had to develop a personality, and that's far more attractive long-term.
- Don't be so shy and lacking in confidence. People like you because you're a nice person, and funny. And not just funny-looking!
- You're not fat and ugly after all, in fact you're actually quite pleasant. In twenty years you'll wish you were as fat as when you first thought you were fat!
- Be prepared to do stuff by yourself. It's ok to visit Thailand, Peru and the Cayman Islands on your own, because it's better than never going.
- Your choose your life choices, and they are entirely your decision. Don't feel bad about making them, because it's fine to change them if they're not making you happy.
- You were right: education is the way to a better life. Keep learning.
- Buy more property earlier!
- Friendships work because you have to make an effort to make them work. Shout out to the Morley High School Massive, folk I've known over twenty years!

What would you tell your 16-year-old self?